
Quick Update on Recent Events...

I was planning on posting something earlier than this, but unfortunate events of the last two nights have prevented me from doing so. The minor inconveince was that our LCD monitor finally died on Sunday. It had been sporadically going blurry, but on Sunday it finally stayed blurry and didn't come back on. This made working (on say a blog) very difficult, but we now have a shiny new monitor that is perfectly clear. The much more serious event was that Sarah's grandmother passed away on Sunday. It was not unexpected and probably for the best given her condition in the last few months due to Parkinson’s . Sarah and I were busy making plans to attend the funeral in Ohio this Friday... juggling with if we could get a bereavement fare (and yes some airlines actually do require a copy of the death certificate), who could pick us up from the airport, and when we would return.

Anyway, everything has been worked out (leaving on Thursday, returning on Saturday) and hopefully I'll return to posting something more upbeat very soon.

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