Editors Note: The extreme tardiness in posting a blog entry caused the backdating of this post, not because I control the fabric of time.
This is my official thank you letter to the police officer who pulled me over after returning from a basketball game at UVA. Thank you for not giving me a ticket and continuing my streak without a traffic violation (14 years and counting). Thank you for taking pity on a 30 year old family man with his wife and 3 young'ins in the back of his SUV (Ben, Traci, and Cassie). Thank you for being a basketball fan, which gave us something to talk about while you contemplated whether to give me a ticket or not. Thank you for making it extremely obvious that my problem was a faulty odometer. Thank you for reminding me that cruise control is my friend, pretty much anywhere on Route 29 in Virginia.
Yup, that was pretty much awesome! I also think it's awesome that you used the term young'in.
If you did actually control the fabric of time, you probably wouldn't have gotten pulled over for speeding in the first place.
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