It has been a while since I last updated the links found over here on the right, and I think it's time to update them:
Say goodbye to Wade's blog. He retired it a few months ago, so even though it a great hit percentage in terms of quality posts it's time to retire it from my list.
So there are two new blogs by friends of mine that both came out in the last few weeks, and I only have one spot for them both. So which one to choose...hmmmm
Based on the initial entries, both blogs accurately reflect their author's respective personalities. Traci's is a late night stream of consciousness, so the topics will include everything from college basketball to prime-time TV to the latest happennings of her and her roommates. A blog by Mike P is going to contain at least three things: biting satire, the absurd, and multiple references to me and my blog (and not usually the good kind of references). I guess to be fair, I'll put in both links because I think you'll likely enjoy them both. Just don't beleive anything you read on Mike P's blog, I think he's been smokin something.
And of course don't forget about Ben's picture page, he just put some cool fall pictures over the last few weeks.
P.S Mike, I finally put that reciporcal link you asked about in.