Some call it the building block of life, I call it difference #1, water. I'm definitely going in two directions with this, the first being that although there are a few reservoirs and some lakes in Denver, it's basically a desert. DC, on the other hand was built over a swamp right near the Potomac. On one hand, hanging out on our friend Alex's boat for a late night cruise with National monuments in sight and plenty of rum on board is a lot of fun. On the other hand, the humidity is RIDICULOUS. Even late at night for an evening game of sand volleyball, your shirt can get soaked with sweat before the 5 minute warm up is done.

That brings us to difference #2. I have returned to the heart of the Atlantic Coast Conference. No longer does UNC mean University of Northern Colorado, no longer do Big 12 games fill up Saturdays during football season, and wearing a UVA shirt doesn't necessarily become an instant topic of conversation. I've seen more UVA ball caps than I can count, several Virginia Tech lanyards, and even a disgusting stuffed Hokie bird. But with the good (getting to go to UVA football games live again), I'll take the bad (insane amounts of Maryland sports coverage) and the ugly (the aforementioned Hokie bird).

You should have shirts made up with that picture on it and sell it to the opposing teams on game days. :-)
i think you forgot to mention the bug water=no bugs. :-) i miss you guys!
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