Devon and Dan get hitched in Charlottesville: It was a beautiful ceremony, Deborah hit a home run on her first wedding homily and everything went great. There was a mini-reunion, as even though it was a fairly small wedding, Sarah and I got to catch up with more than a few old friends that are much harder to see in Colorado.
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My only complaint had nothing to do with the cermony, more to do with the timing of the event itself. On one hand the timing was great, only one set of plane tickets served three diferrent purposes for us, and the wedding was conviently on our way to the beach. On the other hand, I was pushing to get down to the beach that night to avoid traffic, and in general not waste a half a day driving. You would think Devon and Dan would consider our priorities a little bit more (especially considering world-class nature photographer Ben was carpooling with us) but they scheduled the wedding for 3:00 and the reception didn't move quick enough, as several of the cool things happened after we had to leave. That brings us to ...
Beach Week at Nags Head: We made it down to the beach house just before beer o'clock (slightly before 2:00 am) had a drink from the keg and promptly went to bed. I think the main thing to say is that it went way too quickly. We kept ourselves busy: beach volleyball, drinks in the pool, mini-golf, eating seafood in restaurants, drinks in the hot tub, Halo, spraying Kenroche with the kitchen sink hose, cooking our own seafood, Jockey's Ridge (giant sand dune) drinks in the house, football in the ocean, X-men 3 (although an entertaining movie, not as good as X-men 1 or 2 IMHO) reading on the beach, and of course Gallon Day.
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I'll go into the details next time, but as a teaser let's just say that Sarah and I have an apartment in the Reston/Herndon area with a lease starting on July 22nd of this year...
Yay for July 22nd--can't wait to see you guys! :)
Poor, naive, Mike D. Beer isn't worth what it was two years ago. Due to inflation, you would have had to drink 1.267 gallons of beer this year to equate to one gallon of beer in 2004 (when Gallon Day started). Under current projections you will have to drink 1.397 gallons beer to participate in Gallon Day 2007. With such high rates of "beerflation", it's no wonder that Bruce is the sole remaining participant.
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