
Blades and Booze...

Yes there were blades(some real and some plastic that caused a little stir when I tried to bring them in my carry-on bag), and oh yes there was booze (a keg of Satan's Pony, ice luge, rumplemintz, and even a pack of O'Doules*). With those two ingredients in place, the B & B party VIII was as successful as ever. Families were reunited downing shots over a large block of ice (who knew both McDevitts would be there), obscure movie and tv characters were again given a stage, and best of all no incremenating pictures were taken against the wishes of said people:*

It was a great party from start to finish. Sarah and I got to catch up with a lot of our friends, and get drunk in the process. Throw in a little Halo 2 playing and you pretty much have the perfect weekend.

Since I wasn't a judge this year, and although I would never question drunk judging, I have to recognize my favorite costumes that were eligible but didn't win a prize this year (thus eliminating Rob's masterpiece as Optimus Prime). In no particular order my favorite non-winners: Ben as Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite (Ben is definitely in the running for the "Most Good Costumes without Ever Winning" award), Sarah B. as the bar wench (DON'T call her the bar bitch), and Bonnie and Alex as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Thanks to the planners for all their hard work and I can't wait till next year (you can check out the actual winners and many more pics at the B&B website).

*We may never know who took this photo, or who the man taking the ice luge shot was

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'd think I would know who the guy at the ice luge is (since we "shot the luge*" together), but that smiley face on his head makes it way too hard to remember... and that was only shot #2.

*"shot the luge" has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?