The journey started at Arlington National Cemetery and ended at the Metro stop at L'Enfant Plaza. In between there was lots of catching up, picture taking, walking, and enjoying a beautiful Saturday in the city. For posterity's sake, I retraced the route and it looks like we got in a good days walk, at least 5.1 miles.
After strolling through parts of Arlington Cemetery, we crossed the memorial bridge and checked out the Lincoln Memorial and Korean War Memorial:
We headed through the FDR memorial to the tidal basin and the Jefferson Memorial. Although there were nothing but green leaves on the Cherry trees on the tidal basin, there were about 6 crab-apple trees flowering nearby. We joined the other tourist groups who came to see some flowers and took a few pictures of our own.

As we headed toward the national mall, we stopped to take in a random Women's Rugby match underway. Although we were temporarily fascinated, there wasn't as much action as you might think. We reached the National Art Gallery to take in some fine art and hit up the hidden cafeteria, and then finished the day at the Air and Space Museum. After being out for about 8 hours, we decided to grab dinner downtown at Gordon Biersch. Being at the point of collapse made that first beer at Gordon Biersch taste even better and gave us enough energy for the metro ride back to Fairfax.
On a related topic, if you are in the market for fine art photography at a reasonable price, check out Anthony's website: for some great scenic photography in natural and urban settings. Even better, if you are in the Lambertville, NJ (the nice part near Pennsylvania) area he is starting up a Photo Tour business. He'll take you hiking, canoeing, or cycling to scenic areas to capture a postcard quality shot.