After that, we soaked in the opulence of the Chateau and were glad that we had a pass which lead us straight to the museum without having to wait in a long ticket line. We also took advantage of the free Rick Steve’s audio-tour that I had downloaded to our MP3 players as we toured the spectacular rooms. We especially liked his insightful, but to-the-point commentary; plus it was free. After that, we took another short walk back through some of the gardens we had missed and then took the train back to Paris.

That evening we saw the very scenic Sainte Chapelle church. It’s not really a large or famous cathedral, but it has amazing stained glass windows that surround the entire sanctuary. It’s hard to capture on film (or a memory card), but it was impressive and definitely worth a visit.

That evening we got to see a whole different side of Paris. In a strange coincidence, Sarah had recently worked with an intern at Deltek who happens to live in Paris and before she left she invited us over one night to eat dinner with her family. They lived in a nice apartment on the North East side of town. It was hard to believe how narrow the street was to their complex, it was sized for at most a Mini Cooper. Aminata's family is Sengali, so we were treated to both traditional Parisian and Sengali dishes. Everything was yummy!