Last weekend (I'm slowly making my way back to the present) we went hiking in the Boulder area at Eldorado Canyon Trail. Also very beautiful and although it was a little more strenuous and hot with a 1000 ft climb at the beginning and 90 degree temperatures...we made it!
Now you'd think with all this hiking that we'd be considered relatively active and outdoorsy, but people out here are freakin' insane. Let's do an informal survey from a conversation I had at work:
Me: I've done a couple of 5 mile hikes with my wife
Co-worker #1: My wife and I just started to hike all the 14ers -we're doing two more this weekend
Co-worker #2: I've hiked all the 14ers (all the 14,000 foot mountains in Colorado). One with a torn ACL and a massive knee brace
Co-worker #3: Yeah, I liked hiking all the 14ers, but my favorite was Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa (only 19,340 feet)
Me: I'm going to stand over here now...